This leads to La Pierre next point that we just need to enforce existing laws, not pass new ones. That
would be great place to start except the NRA has strongly pushed that the ATF
be given reduced resources so that ATF does not have the people power to adequately
monitor gun shops and other sources providing guns. The NRA have also sought to
undermine the national database by having supporters in positions of influence
at the state level not send in the information the database requires and
because ATF is underfunded they can’t go after them. The NRA also pushed
through legislation that de-funded gun-related studies of the CDC because those
studies showed that the presence of a gun in a home actually increased
the likelihood of gun-related injuries or deaths rather than decrease them. These
goes against the bumper sticker logic of the NRA that guns somehow make us
safer. The research just does not back that up claim.
La Pierre’s most outrageous proposal was to put arm guards in every school.
Yesterday the NRA president David Keene altered that proposal by saying school personnel
should be able to have a range of options for protecting themselves – arming teachers,
principals, having police officers, private security, etc. The logic of this proposal expressed by La Pierre is that the only way to stop
a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy with a gun. This is the “wild west “
logic that the NRA has used for years, and is reflected endlessly in our
movies, television, video games and media. This logic is like trying to plug
the dam after the water has broken through. The goal should be to reduce the
overall presence of guns, keep them away from children, felons, people with
emotional problems and so on. Just
yesterday three Clementon, NJ police officers were shot in the police station by an assailant. Trained guards do not
prevent violence, that logic is too late. As the CDC study referenced above
pointed out the presence of guns themselves present a threat; do we want these
sorts of readily available in a school? I don’t think so.
La Pierre also criticized
the entertainment and video game industry for promoting violence. For
LaPierre, a representative of the firearms industry, to make such a statement
would be laughable if it were not so tragically hypocritical. Like many other
manufacturers and retailers, the firearms industry uses product placement in
movies and games as a way of advertising their product. Just this week the NY
Times reported that the website for video game Medal of Honor Warfighter was
directly linked to the gun manufacturers whose weapons are featured in thegame. This is not an anomaly but standard practice for gun manufacturers to get their
product out there.
Hopefully these talking points can help you in talking with
others about the tragic events in Newtown and elsewhere. For the first time our
nation’s leaders are at least talking about the issue. We need to seize this
moment to bring pressure to bear for legislators at all levels of government to
take action that will make the likelihood of another Newtown, Columbine, Aurora
or (fill in the blank) happening again. Groups like Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the Violence Policy Center and Ceasefire PA are great sources of the
latest actions and information available. We can’t just sit on this one; we
need to let our voices be heard.