This blog is a place for me to share my thoughts in the process of development. Since I tend to be all over the place in terms of my interests, these thoughts will roam from politics, to philosophy, to theological reflections, to books I am reading. I invite comments questions, challenges and general feedback.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Today, as I was preparing to board an early morning flight to Minnesota, where I will join my family for Thanksgiving, I heard the news of the St. Louis grand jury's decision not to indict Officer Wilson for the murder of Michael Brown in nearby Ferguson. After briefly summarizing the prosecuting attorney's 45 minute statement, the reports centered on the response of the crowds in St. Louis and Ferguson. While mentioning the appeals by Brown's parents, African American leaders and even Pres. Obama to protest non-violently, the reporters went on to focus on the looting and shooting that occurred. I was struck by the contrast by the news reports and individual interviews of people on the ground who said that had heard some gun shots, but had not seen violence or guns. More disturbing than this skewed reporting was near lack of analysis of both the case itself and the larger meaning of these events.
No doubt many authorities, as well as a majority of White Americans, will want to say the grand jury's decision has been rendered, let's pack up and move on. However, to many African Americans ˘ this case is representative and symbolic of what it means to young and Black in America. Many will rightfully ask: Had the roles been reversed (a Black teenager shooting a White police officer) would the prosecutor and grand jury needed 105 days to render a decision? While it is good that the grand jury took such care to examine all the evidence and we must recognize the conflict of accounts between eye witnesses and Officer Wilson himself, but we dare not miss the larger issues at stake.
In a brief review of the history of Black America in the 20th century, one can't help see parallels between Ferguson and lynchings of the early 1900's and the state violence against protestors in the 1950's and 1960's. These are not isolated incidents but part of a larger historical pattern where young black bodies are expendable in the pursuit of "law and order." Yes, we have come a long way from lynchings and Bull Connor's dogs and hoses in Birmingham, the riot gear and the National Guard being called out in Missouri should cause us to wonder if we have come as far as we think we have.
Just days before the verdict a 12 year old boy was shot by a police officer in Cleveland for waving a toy gun around. In Philadelphia and cities across the country, school districts that serve the predominantly low income Black and Latino students are underfunded and provide substandard education despite heroic efforts by teachers to make up for scarce resources. Lawyer/authors like Michelle Alexander (The New Jim Crow) and Bryan Stevenson (Just Mercy) have documented that the criminal justice system disproportionately and more severely sentences Black and Latino men. Whether talking about education, housing, health care, employment opportunities and general quality of life issues, if you are poor, Black and/or Latino/a your access to the opportunity in this country is circumscribed by your race and class status.
Michael Brown's death occurs in this context, and while the legal case may have been dismissed, the larger meaning of this event remains.... and must be addressed by a new Civil Rights Movement. One of the promising thing in Philadelphia is in response to the verdict, youth-oriented organizations led a peaceful march that their elders supported and praised. While I was not able to be there several leaders of POWER, the interfaith social justice network, were. Every death is one too many; every injustice is one too many. However, if these events can galvanize young people to address these injustices with the support of those of have lived thru injustices before, there may be some good yet to come from this tragedy.
Friday, November 14, 2014
A Tribute to Teachers
The other day as I was getting dressed in the locker room at
my local Planet Fitness, a young man standing in front of the locker next to
mine, asked “Sir, excuse me, what do you for a living?” When I told him I was a
college professor, he said “I thought so. You remind me of a teacher I had in
grade school.” He went on to tell me about this ex-NFL player-turned
Kindergarten-teacher he had at the Cook-Wissahickon Elementary School in the
Roxboro section of Philadelphia. He said that this teacher made an impact on
him and “all the kids in the project.”
I was touched by the young man’s story. Here he was 18-20
years after the fact telling a total stranger the impact one dedicated teacher
made on his life. Teachers don’t often know the impact they have on their students;
even students don’t often know at the time; it is only much later when
something reminds us of a teacher who shared his/her life with us in
transformative ways.
I pray for teachers, particularly in the K-12 systems of our
cities. In part it is because my oldest daughter is a middle school special ed
teacher, and I hear the stories she tells of the kids she deals with. Additionally,
I know many others who are or have been teachers, and have seen the kind of
dedication and commitment most of them bring to the classroom. I think of
another friend, a GR6-12 principal who has taken young men under his wing,
shown them tough love, and helped them see what it is to a man in a violent and
dehumanizing world. Teachers like that aren't confined to the curriculum, they
see what they do as giving their lives to kids in meaningful ways.
I also hurt for teachers because so often they are blamed
for the troubles in schools today. In Philadelphia as well as many districts,
teachers are continually being asked to do more with less. Because the school
district cannot adequately supply their classes, they spend their own money or ask
friends and family for donations of pencils, paper, markers and other
necessities of the classroom. Meanwhile they are often vilified by conservative
politicians who want to undermine their rights to organize and unionize, while blaming
their salaries and benefits for a district’s fiscal crisis.
While most teachers earn a decent wage, they are by no means
overpaid. Those who don’t know any better will claim that teachers get a year’s
wage for 9 months of work. Anyone who has sat in a middle or high school
classroom like I have and watched what goes on in these overcrowded,
underfunded schools, knows they earn every penny and more. Programs like Teach
for America bring bright college grads, give them a crash course in teaching
methodology and classroom management, and then send them into under-resourced
schools. While the intention is honorable (to encourage these best and
brightest to give back to others), programs like TFA leave the impression that
anyone can teach. Yet TFA volunteers burn out or leave after a year or two and
kids are left to “train” another new idealistic recruit while those teachers
who have persevered for years are undermined and under appreciated.
As I reflect on my educational experience, I can point to
teachers whose impact I still feel over 40 years later. Why should I be
surprised that a 20-something old kid would be reminded of the impact of one of
his teachers just because I sort of looked like him?
As I was packing up to leave, I said to the young man: “If
you ever have a chance to see that teacher, tell him what you told me. He would
appreciate it.” Whoever you are, I hope he finds you- you made quite an impression.
[Image from Wikimedia Commons]
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Dear White People
Last weekend I went to see the film “Dear White People.”
Having seen all the trailers and promos on the internet, I expected to see a
Spike Lee type film designed to put White people in their place because as a
group Whites tend not to get this “race thing.” Instead I was surprised to discover
the film to be a serious and intelligent look at what it means to be Black in
the United States in 2014. If I were to guess the meaning of the title, it
would be in essence to say “Dear White people, don’t put us in boxes and
stereotypes. We want the freedom to shape our identities in any we want, just
like you.”
In her ground breaking book, Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria,
Beverly Tatum points out that developmentally the college age years are a time
of exploring, experimenting and eventually shaping one’s adult identity, and
for many Black young adults this means joining in Black fraternities and other
social clubs to explore the meaning of being Black in 2014. She convincingly contends that Black kids
stick together not primarily out of resentment of hate of Whites, but because
they are trying to navigate the ambiguous and often hostile terrain of racism
in U.S. culture. I could not help but think about this book, along with Spike
Lee’s “School Daze” as a backdrop to this film.
One of the precipitating events in the film is the election
of Sam, an apparently militant Black Power
anarchistic biracial feminist as
head of the all Black dorm at prestigious Winchester University. While on the
outside she seems to have her stuff together, as the film progresses we learn
that she is as confused as her peers wanting to express herself, but sneaking
off with a white boyfriend while simultaneously worried about the health of her
desperately ill white father whom she loves deeply. While this is going on
internally, outwardly she leads a campaign to exclude all White people from the
Black dorm’s cafeteria, and heads up a campus wide radio program called “Dear
White People” in which she chides White people not to try and "act Black" because they don’t get
In response, an all-White dorm decides to host a Halloween
party where invitees are encouraged to “get in touch with their inner Negro.”
Despite attempts by the president and dean of the school to stop the party, it
happens anyway and white students come dressed up in the most demeaning and stereotypical
black roles. As administrators are wont to do they shut down the party while
insisting to alumni and donors that there is “no race problem at Winchester.”
Denial and suppression have all too often been the tactics of the Baby Boomer
generation when it comes to things racial.
What I appreciated about the film is how it depicts the
current Millennial generation’s struggle to understand the dynamics of racism
in the 21st century. I disagree with Roger Ebert who wants to
avoid the whole focus on race “because it is so exhausting.” As one who spends
a great deal of time with this generation and teach a class on Race and Ethnic
Relations, I found that the movie helped me articulate some of the generational
differences between my perspective on race and that of my students. Millennials
have a cursory knowledge of the history racism in our country, and in my course
when they are confronted with that history, they are blown away by the way that
history informs interactions today. They
want to think of themselves as post racial, but when events like Ferguson or
Trayvon Martin’s murder occur, they revert back to the angry activism of the 60’s,
yet without a clear focus. While it is true this generation, especially those
in higher education, have had far more casual interaction across racial lines
than their Baby Boomer parents, they
feel no need to deal with or even talk about race issues. Yet below the
surface, both Black and White students have many fears, questions and
uncertainties, and don’t often know where to go for answers.
I would love to use this film as a starting point for
discussion in my course, because it shows that the deepest power of racism is
its influence on how we view ourselves and how we see the racial “others.” Some
respond to this power to shape identity with denial, others with fear, others with hopelessness and others with anger. That is what comes through so
clearly in this film.
Were I to have had input in the film I would have wanted to
have more racial diversity than simply Black and White; Asian and Latino
students make a temporary appearance, but the film does not break away from the
Black-White polarity that shapes so many discussions around race. Other
racial/ethnic groups experience racism too, but in ways unique to their experience
and background. Secondly, I would have liked to have seen the same diversity
portrayed among the White students as the Black students. Just like the Blacks
in the film, my experience is that Whites have varying degrees of awareness and
willingness to confront the reality of racism in our day. Like many Blacks they
want to believe that we are past needing to deal with racism, yet when
confronted with racism’s reality, they don’t know how to respond constructively.
However, I think the film’s purpose was to show that while in
one sense civil rights for Blacks have come a long way (otherwise they would
not have been at such a prestigious university), the spoken and unspoken barriers
of racial discrimination still continue to confront this Millennial generation,
and like those before them, both Blacks and Whites have their own challenges to
overcome as we move toward Dr. King’s dream of the Beloved Community.
This is a film I
would like to see again. I felt the nuances and subtleties of racism in our era
are beautifully captured, and as such, I am sure there is much I missed. However,
what I did take from the film has had me thinking all this past week. So in my
mind it is worth seeing again.
Saturday, November 01, 2014
The Commonwealth of NRA (or Marcellus, Comcast, etc.)

As this bill was working its way through the Pennsylvania
legislature, I was also taking note of the huge protests taking place on the
other side of the world in Hong Kong. Thousands of young people in the city have
taken to the streets to protest the process by which candidates for elective
office are chosen in that supposedly democratic protectorate. A local election
commission receives petitions for those wanting to run, and then decides on the
candidates who will be put on the ballot; but here’s the catch: because of Hong
Kong’s inclusion in China, those candidates must be approved by the national
government in Beijing (which by the way is very non-democratic). That is why
the students have taken to the streets; they want a real vote, not a slate of
candidates predetermined and vetted by the powers that be. When pressed as to
why he objected to the protestors’ demand, the mayor of Hong Kong said that
open democracy would mean that people “who earn less the $1800/month” (about 50% of the population) might vote for candidates and policies that would cut into the power and influence of the wealthiest and powerful people in Hong Kong. (Hmmm – sound familiar?)
While our political leaders tout the values of democracy,
even to the point of wanting to export that system to developing countries, they
cave in or even worse, actively promote a system where the vast majority of
people are ignored in favor of those with deep pockets. On Tuesday, I will go
to the polls and vote, but I must say as time goes on I feel my vote matters
less and less, unless and until we elect representatives who have the courage
and conviction to actually believe in democracy, and listen to the people they
are supposed to represent.
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